Building Department

The Orchard Lake Building Department Staff work to ensure the safety of all structures within the City by enforcing all the States codes and City Ordinances. The permitting and inspection process promotes high quality building and sustainability of structures in the built environment. Therefore, it is very important that you contact us before making any changes to your property.

General Information
Phone: (248) 682-2400    Fax: (248) 682-1308construction

Hours: Monday – Friday  8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Director of City Services/Building Official
Gerry McCallum

Building Department Clerk
Nancy Morogi

Administrative Clerk
Danielle Hixson
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
Dan Pratt

Don Pratt

Residential Rental Structure Registration
The City of Orchard Lake has an Ordinance establishing standards for the maintenance of sanitary and safe residential rental structures and residential rental units in the City. This ordinance is designed to promote the continued maintenance of quality and safe rental properties, enhance and maintain the value of all properties, and to reduce the causes of blight affecting neighborhoods.

All existing residential rental structures shall be registered, inspected, and certified prior to the date on which the property is first occupied for rental purposes.

Click here for the Rental Housing Inspection Form & Checklist   or click here for the Rental Housing Registration Form.